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Gray Split Tail Ensor
Price: $110.00
Total Views: 4596
78668--Indiana Variegated Hornstone Dovetail
Price: $175.00
Total Views: 245
Southwestern Pottery Bowl with Centipedes - SW US
Price: $295.00
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 249
77379--Indiana Hornstone Pinetree
Price: $39.00
Total Views: 305
Price: $2,500.00
Total Views: 29

79136--Red & black granite Discoidal



79136--Red & black granite Discoidal

79136--Red & black granite Discoidal
79136--Red & black granite Discoidal
79136--Red & black granite Discoidal

Total visits 85


Price: $45.00
Status: Available

Price inclcudes the shipping on this granite Discoidal that was found along the Wabash River in Indiana--the family hunted a number of Hopewell sites, so likely this is from one of the Late Hopewell-into-Mississippian village sites (quite a number of Jacks Reef/ Knight Island sites along the river, Gibson or Knox County, Indiana. The piece is a red & black granite1&15/16" diameter, thickest spot is slightly under 7/8". As the photos will show the one side is FAR more developed than the reverse--it suited their purpose, it'd seem, or was the thicker 'ridge' across the reverse done as a design--interesting that it's symmetrical, and as much shaping as was done why the maker wouldn't have made that reverse side flat makes little sense--that's what opinions are, my 'take' is that there was a deliberate intent so far as shaping went. The piece is guaranteed authentic, period. I welcome checks or M.O>s, but never use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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