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Gahagan Blade
Price: $135.00
Total Views: 4607
78668--Indiana Variegated Hornstone Dovetail
Price: $175.00
Total Views: 245
Gray Split Tail Ensor
Price: $110.00
Total Views: 4596
Price: $2,500.00
Total Views: 29
77379--Indiana Hornstone Pinetree
Price: $39.00
Total Views: 305

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  1. All store owners must adhere to our Terms of Service located here: 
  2. do not have the ability to moderate disputes between buyers and sellers. reserves the right to remove any listed item or any store at any time for any reason. The sales gallery needs to be a place of trusted and confident buying and selling. So long as a seller is careful on what he is offering for sale, there should be no need for any such removals.
    Only items relative to the collecting of authentic artifacts will be allowed, including artifacts, books, display cases, and other such items related to the hobby of collecting.  Artifacts from areas other than North America are allowed, Artifacts that have been restored, re-chipped or otherwise altered are allowed as long as they are stated as such. If an artifact sold is later is found to be misrepresented, a FULL refund is to be issued, including postage costs This refund policy extends up to ONE YEAR from date of purchase
    No additional buttons, links or images are allowed to be inserted into the item description area. 
    By clicking the submit button when a store owner signs up for a store, the store owner warrants that all the artifacts they sell through this site were legally obtained according to the laws governing collecting artifacts. They warrant they were not found on government property and were not taken from burials since the passage of NAGPRA. Those that were found on private property must state they were found with the landowner's permission. 
  3. Only items relative to the collecting of Authentic Artifacts will be allowed, including artifacts, books, display cases, and other such items related to the hobby of collecting.  Artifacts from areas other than North America will be allowed, so long as there are no concerns as to authenticity. We will not allow the sale of any modernly rechipped or reproduction items. Artifacts that have been restored will be allowed, so long as they are marked accordingly.   
  4. Html code can be inserted into your item descriptions, but only with regard to text type, text style and text size. Line breaks and paragraph breaks are allowed. No additional buttons, links or images are allowed to be inserted into the item description area. 
  5. By clicking the submit button when a store owner signs up for a store. The store owner warrants that all the artifacts they sell through this site were legally obtained according to the laws governing collecting artifacts. They warrant they were not found on government property and were not taken from burial graves. They were found on private property with the landowner's permission.