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Gray Split Tail Ensor
Price: $110.00
Total Views: 4605
Gahagan Blade
Price: $135.00
Status:Pending Sale
Total Views: 4620
Southwestern Pottery Bowl with Centipedes - SW US
Price: $295.00
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 278
72651--Creek found Kentucky Kirk, strong patina
Price: $145.00
Total Views: 121
Price: $2,500.00
Total Views: 61

75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL



75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL

75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL
75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL
75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL
75080--Higher grade three-quarter groove Axe,IL

Total visits 169


Price: $225.00 Price Reduced
Status: Available

A much higher grade Mid Archaic Culture Three-Quarter Groove granite Axe from the Jefferson County, Illinois, area--length is 4&5/8" by 2&5/8", max thickness is 1&15/16"--same on both front and back groove ridges. The piece was a field find, but each face has only a small plow scratch--unusual for so few, so I'd suspect the Axe was found long decades back, before chisel plows. While the bit is intact it is not sharp, The bit end was never polished, no more than the body of the axe. On the bottom edge of the back ridge a small break out shows, possibly for inserting a tightening wedge--that's not a place you'd expect use-made damage, so it could be functional. In the center of the heel is a phenocryst--a quartz-like inclusion--it shows yellow, if you see it in the pictures. Every detail of the Axe is lifetime guaranteed authentic. Shipping is by Priority Mailer--$11.00. I welcome checks or M.O.s, but please note I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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