Pending Sale
Priority Mail shipping--$10 on this Vanderburgh Co.,Indiana, piece (area collection), a very well made Adz,4&15/16" by 2&1/2", max thickness of 1&3/16". The flattened side of the Adz has really good use grinding & use polish--the intact bit is slightly rounded, well formed. The stone is in the quartzite family, a river cobble that was perfect for the work of an adz--dense, very hard material. The light colored bands in the heel area are inclusions, not stains, something like you would get with a Porphyry material--you can see more of them on the highly polished work face. I've spotted only one small plow scratch, so the artifact is likely a field find--authentic in every detail. I welcome checks or M.O.s, but please note I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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