You pick the small Axe up and your first impression is "Nice polish". I wouldn't say the form is 'perfect', why bother, the one face isn't the most perfectly shaped, but overall I come back to "Nice Axe" due to the heavy polishing of the granite. The piece is from a collection gathered on sites along the White River, Daviess and Pike County, Indiana, for the most part--no markings for which county (typical)--length is 3" by 2&3/8"--close to 1&1/4" max thickness. The bit is intact, shows only light wear (dulling). One interesting feature that I find is that the heel of the axe was well polished--close-up photo should show the shine where the heel was buffed.So, if the heel wasn't used as a hammer then there had to be some other use, something that left the rock polished. Every artifact had multiple uses, but figuring them out is not always easy. Authentic 7500 BP Axe, period. Shipping is $7.00, checks or M.O>s are welcomed. , but please note I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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