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Nice Dalton W COA (Price Reduction)
Price: $210.00
Total Views: 4607
77481--Illinois Celt, super grade pole Celt
Price: $225.00
Total Views: 410
Beautiful Marshall w 2 COA\'s
Price: $220.00
Total Views: 4496
77704--Very large Snap Base Kirk, Indiana
Price: $245.00
Total Views: 207
Price: $350.00
Status:Pending Sale
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 104

77672--Adena Vanishing Stem, Kentucky



77672--Adena Vanishing Stem, Kentucky

77672--Adena Vanishing Stem, Kentucky
77672--Adena Vanishing Stem, Kentucky
77672--Adena Vanishing Stem, Kentucky

Total visits 220


Price: $50.00
Status: Available

Out of the huge collection of the late Benny Powell, Columbia, Kentucky, a speckled Ft. Payne Chert Vanishing Stem-type Adena--you almost see some elements of the Benton Bottleneck points in the way the blade is constructed, except that there are more percussion than pressure chips forming the blade. The edges, those show very fine pressure flaking, as does the tiny stem--if that stem has any grinding it's very little, almost the same degree of dulling as the worn (well used) knife edges. Length is 2&3/4" by 1"--the tip being the thickest part of the knife at slightly over 5/16" measured on a sizable 'stack' in the flint. There is a light blue inclusion right at the tip, it isn't new chipping, it's simply a color-inclusion in the flint. From conversation with the family, Mr. Powell hunted along the Cumberland River from the 1930's up into the 1980s--it took at least three auctions to sell his massive findings. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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