Pending Sale
A friend bought the Clovis from G.Noel a half dozen years back, then brought the tan chert Paleo to me when he found something else he wanted to buy. Knowing the piece came from the single most trusted dealer in the business, I had no qualms buying the point. None. Length is 29/16" by 1&1/8", , 5/16" max thickness. Lower lateral edges show excellent edge grinding, same for the basal edge. The tip shows the lance was somewhat longer as first mad, later salvage. One face shows a major flute and the reverse face shows a large flite accompanied by smaller (thinner) interline fluting strikes. The Clovis is intact, deeply patinated, authentic, but other that "Kentucky" I didn't get a county of record, but somewhere in the Lexington, KY, area would be reasonable if this was a local collection Gary acquired--it's guaranteed real in every detail. Shipping is $6.00 with checks or M.O>s welcomed. Anyone new to my store, please note that I do not use paypal--Roy A.
Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing