Price Reduced
$6.00 shipping on this Warrick County, Indiana, Dovetail. The piece has a dark, almost quartz-quality inclusion in one corner of the basal notching, a natural feature. Length is 2&11/16" by 1&1/4". The base has excellent grinding--blade edges show all the ancient 'sharpening bevels', the blade having been reduced in size by that sharping action. A small blade-edge ding shows darker hornstone, but it's partially patinated, so it isn't farming-made damage--anything from farm implements wouldn't have time to 'age' in the way the patina shows--best way to say it is that the ding is guaranteed not to be modern damage, could be a later culture than the Early Archiac maker found and utilized the knife. Some damage, all you can do is study how each flake patinated, try to evaluate how the patina evolved. Lifetime guaranteed authentic, though. Shipping is $5.00, checks or M.O>s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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