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Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63
Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 84

77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY



77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY

77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY
77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY
77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY
77489--Extra large hornstone Cache Blade--KY

Total visits 227


Price: $99.00
Status: Available

Part of the Chris Borden collection--something like twenty years now in my collection--my caliper reads 5&1/16" by 3&3/16"--9/16" is the thickest reading I can get, but that's only in one spot, the rest of the Cache Blade is slightly thinner. Chris, from what he told me, hunted mainly Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, but occasionally hunted Christian County, too--this piece wasn't marked as to county. That area on the blade edge, an indented shaft scraper, it's newer than the blade itself, but has a patina that's more Hopewell (or Mississippian) made--still patinated, but not as old as the blade--guaranteed NOT modern chipping You can see more of that "later period use" on one side of the base--also the patination, on the base you can more easily see that the chipping isn't new. The price reflects all of that condition. Shipping is $7.00 with checks or M.O.s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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