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Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 95
77374--Large Hornstone Paleo Clovis knife
Price: $375.00
Total Views: 254
Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 100

77385--Fine grade VERY Late Hopewell, Indiana



77385--Fine grade VERY Late Hopewell, Indiana

77385--Fine grade VERY Late Hopewell, Indiana
77385--Fine grade VERY Late Hopewell, Indiana
77385--Fine grade VERY Late Hopewell, Indiana

Total visits 185


Price: $85.00
Status: Available

Made by the very late Hopewell, those peoples phasing into the Mississippian people--generally referred to as an Intrusive Mound Culture...seems like there should be a better name for the highly developed point type, the quality of their knapping deserves a better name. Note how similar the base is to the Snyders points, those very kicked-out basal corners; you see similar work on the related Jacks Reef Corner Notched. The point also shares the thinness of the Jacks Reef--nearly 1/4" on this piece, but my caliper never quite reaches 1/4". Length is 1&7/8" by 1&3/16". The only 'damage' is a slight roughness to one side of the basal edge. The point type isn't noted for basal grinding, but this particular piece IS ground--and strongly patinated, guaranteed authentic. One final note--the point was last in a northeast Indiana collection, but the flint type is much like southern Indiana Derby Flint. What I expect is that the last owner purchased the point from someone in southern Indiana--the flint wouldn't have traveled 250 miles north. Conversely, if it's the related Flint Ridge material, it traveled considerably to the west. My only conclusion is that the guy bought the point--regardless, though, it's real. Shipping is $5.00, checks or M.O>s are welcomed, note that I do not use paypal, though, if you try to pay that way--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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