With the $6.00 shipping, the total cost is only $30.00 on this Burlington Chert combination hafted (stemmed) knife with a rounded scraper tip--3&13/16" reading on my caliper, width of 1&3/8", and a very proportional 3/8" max thickness. If there isn't enough patina on this Macon County, Illinois tool, I definitely don't know what someone could be looking for--HEAVY mineralization. The stem edges and the base are all ground, the blade formed by extra large parallel-made flakes. Is it Paleo, or Early Archaic, that one I honestly think you could study the flaking techniques and come to a different conclusion on alternate days...I just don't know. The blade has numerous modifications, that rounded, use-polished tip, an indented shaft scraper on the blade edge, some serrations cut for sawing--just a well used, authentic tool. Every detail is lifetime guaranteed real. I welcome payments that come through USPS; checks, cash, or M.O.s, but I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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