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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 84
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63

77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base



77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base

77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base
77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base
77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base
77459--A big hornstone blade--all but a base

Total visits 193


Price: $35.00
Status: Available

Something interesting to study--3&7/8" of Early Archaic workmanship--even with that snapped base. Width is 1&5/16", 3/8" max thickness. The tip was formed into a scraping edge and a burin, both. Near the base there are 'salvage notches' on either edge--the one caused some of the edge to break away, but they're both notched enough that the knife could be re-hafted--was the salvage done by the same Early Archaic hunter, or later? I vote for later, the collection so heavy on Woodland pieces I suspect the salvage was Hopewell. With the sheer length, the lack of bevel sharpening--or at least not 'conclusive' (obvious) bevel sharpening, figuring what the knife looked like as-first-made--I'm certain it isn't Kirk, it isn't Lost Lake or Dove--maybe it was just a long Cobbs Knife, but that patina sure does go back that far in time. Neat piece, real. Shipping is $6.00, checks, cash, or M.O.s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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