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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 100
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 97
77374--Large Hornstone Paleo Clovis knife
Price: $375.00
Total Views: 254

77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,



77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,

77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,
77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,
77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,
77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,
77533--Large, finely made--thin, Indiana Adena,

Total visits 122


Price: $85.00
Status: Available

Indiana Spencer County was the origin of this large (3&1/4" by 1&7/16", only slightly over 5/16") Adena--the Ohio River banks produced the piece. For the blade being so long and wide, that's where you appreciate the thinness of the workmanship. The Adena knapper worked from a pretty thin biface, he did his prep-work in making the biface/ preform before notching the shoulders, indenting the basal edge (for stronger hafting)---the piece would sit more secure on a handle if that base was notched, and definitely ground to remove any burrs on the stem. Nice work, great patina, and lifetime guaranteed authentic. Shipping is $6.00, with checks or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

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