Pending Sale
Lost before the blade underwent more than (probably) a single sharpening, so there isn't the serration you see on most Kirk Stemmed-Serrated points--if not a "stage one", it's very close to it. The Kirk Culture hunter had tome to dull the tip with work-use, even snap one barb, so the knife was used, but didn't stay in service that long. The material is a very weathered Indiana Hornstone2&1/2" by a wide 1&9/16", the blade only 5/16"--good symmetry. While the 7500BO hunter made an excellent stem, , made thinning flakes on both faces of the stem, he spent very little time dulling the stem edges--some, but little grinding--there is actually more grinding on the stem sides than base, important if you don't want sinew bindings to be cut by sharp edges. The site designation is Daviess County, Indiana, White River, and 'site #2", which I wish I could locate, the collection had some great pieces marked with the same site number--collector is long deceased, that site, well, who knows? Every detail is lifetime guaranteed authentic. Shipping is $6.00 with checks, cash, or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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