Made of Ft. Payne Chert/ flint, 2&7/8" from the heavily ground base to the tip with the use fracture--the Early archaic Culture knife was levered in use, too much torque used, the tip snapped--fully patinated. The barb that's missing isn't damage so much as it being sharpened off in a blade edge re-edge--you can put only so much pressure when you're sharpening a thin (5/16") blade--the knapper tried a little too hard, the barb came away on what looks like a fracture plane in the flint itself (you notice it's a 'feather-out' fracture, not a clean break like the tip. The knife is out of east central Kentucky, somewhere not too far from Lexington, Ky, but I didn't get an exact county--it's real, period, and shipping is included with the price. I welcome checks, cash, or M.O>s, but do not use paypal--Roy A.
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