Price Reduced
Knox County, Kentucky, origin on this Stilwell--made of either a grade of Hornstone or of Hopkinsville Flint/ chert--there is just enough 'mottling' in the color that (and with the location of the find) the flint could well be Hopkinsville (aka St. Genevieve chert, likely a few local names, too). Look at the examples shown on the site "Lithic materials, Kentucky, make your own appraisal). The Early Archaic Stilwell has the shared characteristics of the related Kirk points, i.e. an almost lack of basal grinding, and the wide basal 'flare'--also the sharpening is from each corner, quadra-facial sharpening. It may be that the piece was broken and salvaged, there wasn't a long enough blade to serrate, one of the Stilwell point types' 'usual characteristics'--length is 1&7/8", with a very wide 1&5/16" across the base--thickness reaches max in the hafting area, slightly over 5/16", very balanced work/ size. You can see dark inclusions in the flint along the upper blade, each and every flake is patinated, guaranteed authentic. Shipping is $5.00, checks or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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