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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 84
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63

70713--Fine grade 3.6



70713--Fine grade 3.6

70713--Fine grade 3.6
70713--Fine grade 3.6
70713--Fine grade 3.6
70713--Fine grade 3.6

Total visits 73


Price: $165.00
Status: Available

Either Indiana or Kentucky-grade Hornstone, this fine, large Waubesa goes just barely past 3&5/8" by 1&3/8"--some 7/16" max thickness. The particular-type Hornstone, take your map, draw a circle say 35--40 miles around Wyandotte, Indiana (west of Louisville, KY), the flint came from there. The patinated flint is covered with black mineral adhesions, it's guaranteed authentic in every detail. One barb does have a small flat spot at the end, the other is intact, as-sharpened that last time in Woodland Ear usage; stem edges are definitely dulled/ ground. One minor note, and it affects why the price isn't higher--the ancient knapper had trouble with a stack near the tip--his pressure chipping left a 'raw edge' the the blade edge below the tip--see the photo, you'll understand, He also fought with a stack in the hafting area--one more attempt to thin the blade and it would break. He used the big knife as-is. When I sell a piece I want you to understand the condition--you know up-front what you're buying--but you also know it'll be real. That matters. Shipping is $6.00, checks, cash, or M.O.s welcomed, however I don't use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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