Is the Mud Creek made of Hornstone, or is it a grey Ft.Payne--you may get different opinions depending on who you ask--I lean towards it being Hornstone, but can see the variegation in the flint--kind of a 'mottling' that you'd see in some Ft. Payne forms. Regardless of which flint, it's a very hard flint, it knapped very well. The piece is out of the Adair or Russell County, Kentucky, area, found decades back along the Cumberland2&3/8" by 1&5/8"--only 5/16" max thickness. the tip was rounded some 6500 BP to make a scraping edge. You lived in a hide covered home, you wore hides, you scraped a LOT of hides to make all that leather. As it should, there isn't any basal grinding to be felt--that wasn't something Mid Archaic peoples found necessary other than on a few point/ knife forms--definitely not this Mud Creek type. The patina and the knapping are excellent, though, lifetime guaranteed real. Shipping is $6.00 with checks or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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