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Nice Dalton W COA (Price Reduction)
Price: $210.00
Total Views: 4607
77704--Very large Snap Base Kirk, Indiana
Price: $245.00
Total Views: 207
Price: $350.00
Status:Pending Sale
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 105
Beautiful Marshall w 2 COA\'s
Price: $220.00
Total Views: 4496
77481--Illinois Celt, super grade pole Celt
Price: $225.00
Total Views: 411

77794--A small Paleo, Clovis (or related), Illinois



77794--A small Paleo, Clovis (or related), Illinois

77794--A small Paleo, Clovis (or related), Illinois
77794--A small Paleo, Clovis (or related), Illinois
77794--A small Paleo, Clovis (or related), Illinois

Total visits 167


Price: $44.00
Status: Available

Out of a Carbondale, Illinois, collection a few years back, a Paleo I put back as the form is clearly Paleo (as is the no-brainer patina), but the workmanship, you wonder if this was some young knappers' first attempt? The auriculate base was formed, the lower lateral edges were ground. There is just enough grinding and flattening in the base-center that if a flute was next, the knapper had built the 'platform' needed for the flute strike--for whatever reason the flute was never made, though--instead a few very light thinning flakes were removed. Length is slightly under 1&11/16" by 1", and max thickness is 5/16". The4 face of the Paleo dart is so smoothed it's seem most of the surface was covered by the dart shaft--either deliberate or accidental, the use polish to each face is heavy. Chert--either Avon Chert, or something very close to that western Illinois flint. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O>s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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