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Pending Sale
Neat piece, with the one barb restored and the basal corner below it restored by J. Speer--comes from Gibson County, Indiana, part of his collection. Whether you classify the piece as a Buck Creek (Hopewell Family) or a Cypress Creek may depend on where you live and collect. Too, the flaking is of such a high quality you want to classify the point as Early Archaic--I think the Hopewell is more correct, there's some relation to the Steuben points of Illinois (shows some basal edge grinding, as Steuben points often do). Made of Indiana Hornstone2&1/16" by 1&7/16", the flint shows the 'cherty limestone' inclusion of it's lense-type (layer flint) hornstone source (not nodular hornstone, that'd have a crystalline center). Neat piece, good restoration of those two small damaged corners. Shipping is included with the price. I welcome payments by check or M.O. (or cash) but do not take paypal--Roy A.
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