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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 100
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 95
77374--Large Hornstone Paleo Clovis knife
Price: $375.00
Total Views: 254

77753--Burlington Chert Dalton Knife,some patina



77753--Burlington Chert Dalton Knife,some patina

77753--Burlington Chert Dalton Knife,some patina
77753--Burlington Chert Dalton Knife,some patina
77753--Burlington Chert Dalton Knife,some patina

Total visits 102


Price: $75.00
Status: Available

Okay, more than a little bit of patina on this Dalton Knife--ex Richard Brewer estate, either Union or Jackson County, Illinois, those were the counties he lived in and grew up (collecting) respectively--there was no tag to indicate any other origin, and being in far western Illinois, I'd say there's a good chance Union County (Anna, ILL) is the area that produced this 3&11/16" by 1&1/16", 5/16" max thickness Early Early Archaic knife. The flaking is right (correct) for the age slot--the indented base is use polished enough that the knife could have been hand-held of hafted, either that as :it fits the web between thumb and forefinger, the polish done so the users hand isn't cut. There is considerable use polish on the worn tip. Wear like that, it talks about long use. The black staining--the knife came to me from Mr. Brewer's estate, so what caused it, low long ago, I'd have no idea. Would I clean the piece? No, I wouldn't, but someone buying the piece can decide for themselves. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed--please note that I do not use paypal, though--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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