Once in a while a point comes across my desk that's so 'classic' in its form, made exactly as the 'cultural norm', one look classification--this is a Motley, pure-and-simple...well made, well patinated, real. The hornstone point comes from Trigg County, Kentucky, area, measures slightly over 2&1/8" by slightly over 1&1/8"--symmetry--balanced points are just that, balanced. The 5/16" medial ridge thickness, the in-curved blade edges, they indicate many sharpenings over the worklife of the piece. I know the collector had a number of creek finds, but if this was one of them I didn't get that info; regardless, it's guaranteed authentic in every detail. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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