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Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 95
Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 99
77374--Large Hornstone Paleo Clovis knife
Price: $375.00
Total Views: 254

77650--Two Indiana hardstone Celts



77650--Two Indiana hardstone Celts

77650--Two Indiana hardstone Celts
77650--Two Indiana hardstone Celts
77650--Two Indiana hardstone Celts

Total visits 133


Price: $38.00
Status: Available

The pair came from a southwest Indiana collection, either Vanderburgh or surrounding county--the green Celt (or possibly an Adz) is Geenstone (naturally), a hard, dense material favored for Celts and Axes. 3&7/16"x 1&3/4", and thickness of 15/16"--I'll term the piece 'utilitarian', and maybe that's being generous; it did its job, it wasn't pretty. The dark Celt is granite, 3&11/16" by 1&13/16", fairly thin, only 11/16" on the heel (the polished bit area is MUCH thinner). Pointing out the flaws, perhaps, but the bit was sharpened over-and-over, and with use polish smoothing out any minor repairs the Woodland (Adena or Hopewell) hunter left in the bit edge. These two are real in every detail, you would never have reason to think otherwise--no brainers. Shipping is $10 by Priority Mail, checks or M.O.s are welcomed--cash is you so choose. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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