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77481--Illinois Celt, super grade pole Celt
Price: $225.00
Total Views: 410
Nice Dalton W COA (Price Reduction)
Price: $210.00
Total Views: 4607
Beautiful Marshall w 2 COA\'s
Price: $220.00
Total Views: 4496
Price: $350.00
Status:Pending Sale
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 102
77704--Very large Snap Base Kirk, Indiana
Price: $245.00
Total Views: 206

77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena



77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena

77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena
77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena
77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena
77628--Glossy Kincaid Chert Illinois Adena

Total visits 236


Price: $85.00
Status: Available

Your first impression is that the flint is an Ohio material, but it's a glossy fossil chert out of southern Illinois--Kincaid Chert. The Adena measures 2&7/8" by 1&3/8" across the barbs--would have been another 1/16" wider except for an ancient nick on the barb itself. Use (in Woodland era) of the tip as a scraping feature reduced the overall length an eighth inch. As wide as the Adena is, it'd be easy to see the 'stage one length' as even longer--that's a lot of blade (wide) for the present length. The piece was a garden patch find from Macon County, Illinois--the guy had quite an Adena site, but wasn't really a collector; he simply picked up what tilling washed to the surface of his garden (per his daughter). Authentic, period. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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