Pending Sale
A very good grade of Hornstone, ex Pesch collection, and most likely ex R. Hall collection--based on some other Dovetails in the frame, their history--so a 99% chance this is a Kentucky Dove. Length is 2&13/16" by nearly 1&53/8"--max thickness is 5/16". One side is rounded, cambered, the reverse shows a slight dish-in from the shape of the preform the Early Archaic hunter began working--not excessive, but note that there are smooth spots on the center of the blade (where it wasn't necessary to knapp).. The hafted knife shows the use, the sharpening of the blade, but there is no significant damage. Patina is excellent, every detail is lifetime guaranteed authentic. Shipping is $5.00, payment welcomed by check or M.O., but please note I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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