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Gray Split Tail Ensor
Price: $110.00
Total Views: 4604
Gahagan Blade
Price: $135.00
Status:Pending Sale
Total Views: 4617
Southwestern Pottery Bowl with Centipedes - SW US
Price: $295.00
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 276
Price: $600.00
Total Views: 52
77230--Lost Lake Hafted Scraper, Indiana
Price: $75.00
Total Views: 247

75483--Illinois Hardin, used-sharpened, real



75483--Illinois Hardin, used-sharpened, real

75483--Illinois Hardin, used-sharpened, real
75483--Illinois Hardin, used-sharpened, real
75483--Illinois Hardin, used-sharpened, real

Total visits 164


Price: $65.00
Status: Available

Out of either Effingham or Fayette County, Illinois, ex Bill Pesch Collection--the more I look at the piece the more convinced it's made of Attica Chert (Indiana or Illinois Green). Placed under a natural spectrum "Ott Lite' the green color bands show in the tip--the base, obviously gets more 'cherty'. Length is just under 1&15/16" by 1&1/4", slightly over 1/4" max thickness. How many times sharpened, the bevel increased as the point was shortened--impossible to count the resharpenings--ALL ancient. On the tip you can spot the last remnant of a strong impact fracture that was part of the last sharpening/ salvage, there is a channel flake that comes down from the tip about 5/16"--the Early archaic Hardin Culture user worked with what remained of the now-short knife. The stem edges are heavily ground. One barb shows an ancient ding, the other barb is, well, gone.Describing damage may turn someone off, but if you buy the piece you know exactly what you're getting--no "I wiish I'd seen that" surprises. The piece is real, this is the condition. Shipping is $5.00, checks or M.O>s welcomed. Please note I do NOT use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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