As I was starting collecting a half century ago, back then "Old Timers" called these small Celts (and small axes) Pocket Celts--fine small stone artifacts that fit your pocket, you could just let your hands, not your eyes, connect to the artifact. Made of granite, measuring only 2&5/16" by 1&9/16", and max thickness of 11/16"--very good bit with ancient repair & re-grinding--nothing modern. The piece comes from a Union--Jackson County, Illinois, collection--the info I recorded goes with the piece, provenance matters. As there was very little Mississippian material in the portions of the collection I bought I'm assuming the piece is Hopewell Culture. VERY good patina, lifetime guaranteed authentic. Shipping is $7.00 and checks or M.O>s (or cash) are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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