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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 84
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63

77204--Large Indiana Dovetail--small tip ding



77204--Large Indiana Dovetail--small tip ding

77204--Large Indiana Dovetail--small tip ding
77204--Large Indiana Dovetail--small tip ding
77204--Large Indiana Dovetail--small tip ding

Total visits 199


Price: $40.00 Price Reduced
Status: Available

Some collectors like restored points, some prefer to display a piece 'as-found'--there are points I've sent for professional restoration--and I always appreciate the work of a Keith Etchison or Dennis Bushey. It's kind of an 'aside' here, but simple damage to a great piece of flint, or modern rechipping, hey, cover it with epoxy, enjoy what it once if a piece was anciently used as a 'salvaged tool', that I won't cover--both uses, primary and secondary, they're part of the provenance. Here, it would be a pretty straight-forward restoration on this big Harrodsburg fossil chert Dovetail, the damage is ancient, basal corner and tip (the barb was salvaged, I wouldn't have it restored)--but that's me--when you own the piece, decide for yourself. The Dove comes from Gibson County, Indiana, measures a long 3&11/16" by 1&11/16"; caliper reads 3/8" on the medial ridge--that's a big blade. Basal grinding is extra heavy, this being an Early Archaic point. Patina, well, one look screams "no brainer". Shipping is $6/00, checks, cash, or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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