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Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
Price: $40.00
Total Views: 84
Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63

77572--Indiana Adena with a large base



77572--Indiana Adena with a large base

77572--Indiana Adena with a large base
77572--Indiana Adena with a large base

Total visits 148


Price: $30.00
Status: Available

You see an Adena with a base the size of this one, you know the blade was once most likely double the present (total) length of 2&5/16". Width is 1&3/16", and3/8" thickness which is another sign of a considerably longer, wider blade. The stem edges are ground. The Martin County, Indiana, point is likely some version of Indiana Holland Flint (Siberia variety, which is a dull white--although fairly glossy here, indicating a much higher silicate flint that most of that grainy, white flint. The flint is named for the small town where it outcrops--move west twenty or so miles, the same flint is black and of a glossy texture--called Ferdinand Chert (town name). The point has a small modern chip on the very tip, hence the low price--and it you can't spot patination there (at the tip chip) I'd recommend an eye exam--real point, good flint. Shipping is $6.00, checks, cash, or M.O>s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

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