Out of Trigg County, Kentucky, a Kirk Culture dart, a "Palmer" if you think the serration is heavy enough to qualify for that 'usually serrated' dart point. There is some serration, yes, but not exaggerated as are many of the Palmers--there is also some basal edge grinding, and that IS a trait you expect on Palmers--Kirks being hit-or-miss in the degree of basal grinding. Made of Hornstone, length is an excellent 2&3/16" by 1&1/16", the thickness only 1/4". I wish the one basal tang was there, but the break is ancient, easily seen patina under a 10x loop. Simply said: authentic. Shipping is $6.00, checks, cash, or M.O>s are welcomed, but please note I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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