This hornstone point has spent a couple months on the back corner of my computer stand, kind of daring me to type it--the style is a Kentucky point form, a Wade I finally decided. You can spot some similarities to Woodland forms, (Snyders), but the knapping is Archaic cultural work--more pressure chipping than percussion flaking. Too, the stem is a short stem, it doesn't quite fit expected Illinois point forms--was it some wonderer, some trader who made his way north from Kentucky, or were Wade Points actually more widespread than generally accepted? For my answer I went to Dr. Noel Justice's book on stone age spears--he reports some Wade points have been noted north of the Ohio River, and this piece is very typical of the form/ construction of the Wade types--it's a Wade, an authentic one. Found by the late Norman Reid, Edwards County, Illinois. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed. I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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