Pending Sale
As fine of a Paleo Uniface tool as I think anyone could collect--comes from southern Indiana, made from one of the most super-weathered--read that as lifetime guaranteed real--Hornstone varieties as I've seen--longest measurement my caliper reads is 3&3/8" by 1&3/4"--the thickest single spot is a fraction over 3/8" (on one end), 1/4" in the center, and 5/16" on that feathered-out, fluted end. The piece is sort of rectangular as a Square Knife would be, but so much thinner and so heavily use-polished it's slick to the touch. Each side has finely pressure flaked 'shaving edges'--and if you can come up with a better description than that, I'd enjoy hearing it--one end is 'serrated' as a rasp (saw?). On the more smooth end you can feel heavy use polish, the flint has had any ridges worn completely smooth. I'll try to photograph the only modern damage I've spotted, a tiny, thin surface flake on one corner--collector damage from decades of storage. What that tiny spot shows, though, is the surface patina of the Paleo Clovis tool--it's amazing, no matter how many times you rotate the knife in your hand, either hand, you can spot some new use that ancient hunter built in--those 'angled' corners, as a good example. Neither of us will ever figure out every use; for that we'd need a Mammoth to carve up for dinner. Shipping is $6.00, checks or M.O.s are welcomed--I do not take payments any other way--Roy A.
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