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77704--Very large Snap Base Kirk, Indiana
Price: $245.00
Total Views: 205
Beautiful Marshall w 2 COA\'s
Price: $220.00
Total Views: 4495
77481--Illinois Celt, super grade pole Celt
Price: $225.00
Total Views: 409
Nice Dalton W COA (Price Reduction)
Price: $210.00
Total Views: 4606
Price: $350.00
Status:Pending Sale
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 101

77747--Flat out exhausted Illinois Dovetail



77747--Flat out exhausted Illinois Dovetail

77747--Flat out exhausted Illinois Dovetail
77747--Flat out exhausted Illinois Dovetail

Total visits 201


Price: $33.00
Status: Available

People who know me know I have a habit of collecting points in "End Stage"--it tells you a whole lot about the ancient hunter who owned the piece--exhausted Thebes being one of my favorites. This Dovetail from the Mattoon, Illinois, is a perfect example of a point (hafted knife) that sowed fine care and sharpening until there were few options---other than hafted scraper. Length is 1&3/8" by 13/16", and that medial ridge thickness of 3/8" would indicate a far longer blade, Hold the now small Dove with the tip towards you (see photo), you see how twisted the beveling turned out. Anyone, anyone who doesn't think this took the work of an artisan, they're dead wrong. On the angled tip you can feel work polish--wish I could say what they were scraping, but it was enough to somewhat polish the flint. Basal grinding is excellent. I'll have to include the flint type after a bit of review--seen it, have more points made of the material, but the name is out of reach. Note; the white area on the very tip is a fossil inclusion--others are seen along the body of the Dove. Shipping is $6.00 checks or M.O>s welcomed--cash too. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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