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Southwestern Pottery Bowl with Centipedes - SW US
Price: $295.00
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Total Views: 276
77230--Lost Lake Hafted Scraper, Indiana
Price: $75.00
Total Views: 247
Gray Split Tail Ensor
Price: $110.00
Total Views: 4604
Price: $2,500.00
Total Views: 58
Gahagan Blade
Price: $135.00
Status:Pending Sale
Total Views: 4617

71966--Extra large Illinois knife--brown quartzite



71966--Extra large Illinois knife--brown quartzite

71966--Extra large Illinois knife--brown quartzite
71966--Extra large Illinois knife--brown quartzite
71966--Extra large Illinois knife--brown quartzite

Total visits 144


Price: $165.00
Status: Available

At 5&5/8" by very close to 1&5/8" width, but ONLY 1/2" at the single thickest spot (generally 3/8" or thinner), that's one heck of an Early Archaic knapping job. Knappers--professionals who study how ancient blades were made, practice the art--will tell you quartzite is a bear to knapp, and to get a long, flat preform that could be pressure chipped to complete the fine edge flaking seen on this Edwards County, Illinois, blade, it's remarkable. What one told me is that you break more attempts than you complete. This very long knife was n Norman Reid's Indian Hill Museum for decades--with his death it went to auction, authentic, patinated, period. On the top 1" of the tip there is considerable edge wear, the blade used as a buffing/ polishing tool; that action wore the edges to a polished finish. While not translucent due to the brown color of the stone, the crystalline structure of the quartzite is excellent. Great piece. Shipping is $7.00 with payment welcomed by check or M.O.. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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