As Hopewell Snyders points go, this one is considerably larger than most: 3&3/16" by almost 2"--and that's with the tip anciently dinged, about 1/4" or 5/16" was lost some fifteen hundred years back (appx). A massive indention for a shaft sharpener is indented on the blade edge--work polished, it was used, and used often, Connersville, Indiana, area.. The chert is a fossil chert, heavily heat treated--read that as ONE HOT FIRE to bring out the iron oxides this red. Your choice, you can look at ancient dinge, tip and barb, a big scraper function on the side as 'damage', or you can see an authentic, well used Snyders. I look at this as one heck of a Snyders--the use by the Hopewell, it shows they valued the tool. That counts for more...but that's ME. Shipping is $7.00 due to postal rate increases, checks or M.O>s are welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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