If the base were not so heavily ground I'd be inclined to classify this Maucopin County, Illinois collection point as a Kirk Cornernotch--this much grinding on the basal edge, I tend to think the piece is a Lost Lake with only a little blade resharpening (bevel sharpening). Either classification, the blade edges, the sharpening technique, could be squeezed into whichever of those two classifications--but that basal edge, you can make the case either way. Length is 1&15/16" by 1&1/4", thinness is right on 1/4" max--thin knife, finely pressure chipped, patinated, REAL. The piece came to me with the barb ends nicked, both nicks are farming related (modern damage)--the tip shows Early archaic wear--a knife that was meant to be used (and was). Shipping is $5.00, checks, cash, or M.O.s welcomed. Sorry, I do not use paypal--Roy A.
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