Just a few photos from the show. Notice the Squash Blossom Necklaces. A few sold before I had a chance to take a photo. I managed to get one of Carlos Black working at the show. He is at most Texas shows and is happy to answer questions. Notice the frame of Black and White points - I think Owl Creek but could be wrong. Black Jack from the James River and Brushy Creek from Williamson County don't usually have white unless it is cortex. The really nice frame with the white Bell at the bottom is the McDearman Frame - eclectic and elegant - quite a collection. And Daryl Tanner has the frame with the frosted Covington. Nacho has his superb frame of broken Andice and Bell points. I think this is the one called the Van Gogh frame (missing an ear.) I had a great time! The weather was nice and a chance to talk to friends and neighbors. I bought a frame of points, most of which I can post without papers, so I will start soon and I will get the rest sent to authenticators.
Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing