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Southwestern Pottery Bowl with Centipedes - SW US
Price: $295.00
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Total Views: 278
Gahagan Blade
Price: $135.00
Status:Pending Sale
Total Views: 4620
72651--Creek found Kentucky Kirk, strong patina
Price: $145.00
Total Views: 121
77464--Illinois found-in-a-garden Celt--decent
Price: $85.00
Total Views: 309
Price: $2,500.00
Total Views: 61

Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA



Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA

Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA
Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA
Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA
Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA
Rare Paleo Drill - Central America - Motley COA
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Total visits 4624


Price: $750.00
Status: Available
Dimensions:6.125" X 0.625"

This is an extremely rare Paleo drill that was found in the same layer with Clovis points. The drill was found in Central America and comes with a Roy Motley COA. Mr. Motley was dubious about this piece since it was his opinion that drill forms evolved later historically. However, after close examination, he concurred that this piece was indeed Paleo in age. Approximately 1/3rd of an inch was broken off one end of the drill in ancient times and has the patination over the break to support this.

"I don’t say that it is impossible to change the past. I only say that if you did, you would change your own memories of the past in the process. So, how would you know if you did or didn’t? Perhaps you have already gone back in time and changed the past, and the present is the best possible outcome you could devise."

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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