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Bell County Montell W / Rogers COA
Price: $225.00
Total Views: 49
Exceptionally Rare Whale Lance
Price: $1,800.00
Accepting Offers
Total Views: 166
Earlier Stage Pedernales
Price: $180.00
Total Views: 94

Broken Slate Reel Gorget - Ohio - Motley COA



Broken Slate Reel Gorget - Ohio - Motley COA

Broken Slate Reel Gorget - Ohio - Motley COA
Broken Slate Reel Gorget - Ohio - Motley COA
Broken Slate Reel Gorget - Ohio - Motley COA
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Total visits 4421


Price: $225.00
Status: Available
Dimensions:2.94" X 1.5"

This rare Reel Slate Gorget has an unusual story. Half of it was found in Drake Co., Ohio and the finder had it restored. A couple years later, the finder found the other half near where the first half was found. The restored and broken half can be kept together, or if the buyer wishes, the two halves of this rare Reel Gorget can be restored to the original shape. Either way, it's a great story. This piece comes with a Roy Motley COA.


"It is not how hard you work, but how effective you are that matters. All else being equal, competence trumps effort."

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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