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Diagonal Banded Gary
Price: $67.00
Total Views: 63
Zapata County Tiny Arrow Tip
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Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska



Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska

Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska
Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska
Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska
Eskimo Bone Cod Hook - Alaska
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Total visits 100


Price: $315.00
Status: Available
Dimensions:7" X 3'

This is the bone hook-portion of an Eskimo Cod Hook with the pointed end being the penetrating hook.part of the rig. It was dug on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.(This is one of 25 pieces obtained in a high-end Eskimo frame, all of which will be listed.)

"The greatest lie ever promulgated in the name of religion is that you "have" a soul, rather than you "are" a soul. Acceptance of that lie opens the door to a multitude of forms of institutional and religious control."

Disclaimer: Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing

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